Read carefully the items and choose from the four choices the best answer. After the test, you can check your score and the correct answers by hitting ' Get score' button and ' Reset' button to take the test again. Sanam teri kasam film download. Organism lacking chlorophyll but able to carry out photosynthesis protozoa Viruses Bacteria phaeophyt 2. Fertilization results in the formation of the zygote endosperm embryo fetus 3. How many vertebrae are there in the human spinal column 18 40 10 26 4.

Which does not belong to the group tangerine lemon orange mango 5. Yeast are classified as fungi shell fungi sac fungi molds 6. Milk is one of the rich sources of vitamins carbohydrates minerals all of the above 7. It is a pigment which enables plants top manufacture their own food Cytoplasm Chlorophyll Flowers leaves 8. A process of food manufacturing in plants Transpiration Photosynthesis pollination respiration 9. Commonly known as fruit sugar fructose sucrose glucose sucrose 10.

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It is a disaccharide sugar that is found most notably in milk and is formed from galactose and glucose Lactose fructose sucrose glucose Score = Correct answers: -.