I have a little problem coding a 4-bit odd parity generator with only NAND as logical operator in VHDL. I have the entity done, like you see in code but struggle doing the architecture with only NAND as logical operator. Could you help me doing this? I know how to do this with xor gates but nand is a bit harder for me. Pss®e software crack download.

The VHDL source code for, checker, control state machine, and status bit Parity generator Command/data mux Cypress Semiconductor Original. 647.54 Kb vhdl code program for 4-bit magnitude comparatorAbstract: vhdl code for 4 bit ripple COUNTER 8-bit magnitude comparator 16- bit even/ odd parity generator/ checker, Quad 2-inupt EXCLUSIVE NOR. Odd Parity Generator - Testbench--- This structural code instantiate the ODD_PARITY_TB module to create a --- testbench for the odd_parity_TB design. The processes in it are the ones--- that create the clock and the input_stream.Explore the design in the --- debugger by either adding to the testbench to provide stimulus for the. Samsung 2g tool cracked software without z3x box price in india

Thanks for replies Deadbrain Code: library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity parity_generator is port ( A: in bit; B: in bit; C: in bit; D: in bit; P: out bit); end parity_generator; architecture parity_gen of parity_generator is begin --parity_gen p. Your code is VHDL not Verilog, remove the tag? Also doesn't relate to the Windows CE tag. Show all your work for your homework problem and tell us specifically where you are stuck. A hint, a two input XOR gate can be constructed with 4 or 5 two input NAND gates, 4 bit odd parity requires 3 two input XOR gates and an inverter (another NAND gate). Without the parameters of your assignment it seems likely instantiating gates would be required, a single expression requires'xor' operator overload. – Mar 28 '18 at 21:02.