Midway through the season, Berwick and Coughlin were about to be filed in the also-ran folder. Then every- thing changed for both teams to the point where to- night’s meet- ing could de- cide a playoff berth. The two resurgent squads will play at 7 p.m.

Parts books for Castelgarden/Lawn-King Ride On Lawnmowers, Rally Ride On. TC102-122 1998; F72 Manual & Hydro 2007; Twincut 102-122 Hydro 1997.

Today at Berwick in a Wyoming Valley Conference Division 3A football game that has major implications in the District 2 Class 3A playoff race. Both bring 5-3 records into the game, something that didn’t look possible after five games. “Being 2-3, we knew we had talent,” Coughlin coach Ciro Cinti said. “In the preseason, I said I love the kids we have. They work their butts off, and good things are happening.”. Ica, a W ashi ngto n, D.

C.,- base d transporta tion coalition, review ed data from the Fe der al High way Administr ation’ s 2010 National Bridge Inventory. The repor t sho ws that of the stat e’ s 22,27 1 brid ges, 5,906, or 25 per cent,wereliste d as defi cien t.

Cracking software. Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow (April 22, 1873 – November 21, 1945) was an American novelist who portrayed the changing world of the contemporary South. Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow (April 22, 1873 – November 21, 1945) was an American novelist who portrayed the changing world of the contemporary South. Documents Similar To Instalacija Tower Build 1350 i.

John deere planter serial number guide. (Like I first posted ) Then there are AO numbers for planters listed as 'WHL MODULE' (I don't know what that is ) And 'CO' numbers for the 8W and 12n front fold And 'F' numbers for the 12W and 16N front fold.

A dis tan t se con d on tha t lis t isOkla- ho ma, with 22 per cen t of its 23,680 bridges classified as defi- We’re number one. But it’s no reason to celebrate. A new national transportation rep ort rate s Penn sylv ania firs t among states in terms of percent- ag e of st ruc tur all y de fic ie nt bri dg es. An d whi lea qu art er of all brid gesstatew ideare agin g andin need of repairs, the rate is even higherin Northeaste rn Pennsyl va- nia.

The Scranton/W ilkes-Barr e re- gion ranked third worst in the na- tion in the 500,000 to 1 million populationcategory,with 26.1per- cent of its bridge s iden tifie d as structurally deficient. In Luzerne Coun ty alon e, at leas t 160bridges are rated that way. The study, re- leas e by Tr ansp orta tion for Amer. PLAINSTWP.–Amanshotsev- en times by Wil kes-Bar re police andadeputysheriffnearadaycare facility was carrying two “replica fir earm s” that offi cer s tho ught wereactualweapons,accordingto arrestpapers.

OthaDerric k Gre en Jr., 29,was arraignedThursdayintheprogres- siv e car e uni t at Gei sing er W yom - ing Valley Medical Center, where he is recovering from surgery for hisgunshot wounds. St at e po li ce at W yo mi ng char ged Green, of East Beatty Stree t, Wil kes-Barr e, with three coun ts eachof agg rav atedassaul t and sim ple assa ult and sixcounts. WILKES-B ARRE– At W ednes - day night’s Times Leader May- o r a l F o ru m a t Wil kes Univer sity, Re publ ican cand i- date Lisa Cope pro- duce d copi esof bil ls t h a t s h e s a i d sh ow ed th e ci ty paid for monitoring fees at for- mer city administrator J.J.

Mur- phy’s home. Cop e was righ t, but the city said Thur sda y that it received those bills erro- ne ou sl y an d T orb ik Safe & Lo ck Co. Ha s agreed to reim- bur se the city for the charges. “T orbik will refund the city $169 for paying the err one ous b i l ls, ” s ai d Drew McLaughlin, th e cit y’ s ad- ministrative co- ordinator.

“The bills were paid between Febru- ary and July of 2005. Torbik in- voiced the city ins tea d of J. Mu rp hy pe r- sonally.” Murphy attended the Mayoral Fo ru m an d sai d hehad pai d allof his bills for moni tori ng of the home security system that was paidforbythecityatacosttotax- payers of $4,000 and installed at his former home on Plym outh Av enu e. The city also paid to mov ethe sys temto hisnewhome on Reliance Drive in 2007 at a cos t of mor e than $6,00 0.

The city also paid for installation of a home security system for Mayor T om Lei ghto n at a cos t of aro und $4,0 00.Leigh tonsaid hehas paid fo r al l of hi s mo ni to ri ng. Luzerne County Prothonotary Carolee Medico Olenginski said she’s “stunned” that some home rule transition committee mem- berswanther to res ignbeforeher el ec te d te rm ex - pires at the end of 2013. It’s tot all y out of the question. It’s unac- cepta ble, and they re all y sho uld be ash ame d of themselves,” Medico Olenginski said. County Register of Wills Do- roth y Stank ovic,who alsois guar - ant eed a sal ary for tw o mor e years even though she’ll lose her autho rity on Jan. 2, said she has nocomme nton themat terat thi s time.

The two remaining impacted rowoffice rs– jurycommiss ione rs Bonnie L. Markowski and Frank Sem ans ki – did not re spo nd Thur sday to deta iled messa ges left with family members. Th e ele cte d cou nty she rif f, tre asur er, coro ner, reco rde r of deeds and clerk of courts posts wer e alsoelimina tedunder home rule, but those officeholders will.


HARRISBURG — The spon- so r ofa bil l toperm ithun tin g on Sundays in Pennsy lvania said Thursd ay its fate is uncertain because of staunch oppositio n from the state Farm Bureau. Hou se Gam e and Fis heri es Chairman John Evans, R-Erie, saidaftera fou r-h ourhearin g on thetop ic th at hewasstil l try ing toroun d upenou ghvote s toget his bill out of committee.