A community of fans. Etiquette Please try to keep off-topic posts to a minimum! Bpwin software download free

Some of the Community cast members have their own subreddits, so consider posting stuff related to them there instead. Add [] to any posts containing info or content from un-aired episodes. Including the word spoiler in the title should automatically add the spoiler flair. Spoiler flair does not work on /all, frontpage or on mobile devices, so prefix a thread name with [SPOILER for 'Season' 'Episode number'].

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To write spoilers in comments, use the following format: [](/s 'This will be hidden'). Do a search before posting a thread. Chances are it will have been asked or posted before. Frequent and, repeat threads will be removed. Try to give threads an appropriate title while respecting the rules of spoilers, so people searching can find relevant content easily. News • Check out the entrants to the. • Resources Please see.

• • • • • • • Recommended subreddits Animation [new] Live-action [new] General Where to watch in your area? I'm getting ready for a Community party (special drink included) and I'm having trouble finding any downloads or torrents of HD season 3 episodes. If anyone could post (or private message me) some links I will be forever in your debt. EDIT: As I should have clarified, I'm from the UK. I checked out the show after hearing some reviews of season one.

I torrented all of season 1 and 2 and became a huge fan. The second that season 1 was released over here (which was only in November) I bought it. When season 2 and 3 are released I will buy them.

I am not doing any damage to the show, in fact, the opposite as the people who I have shown it to have become die hard (DVD buying) fans. Seriously though, thanks for the help.

I'm taking a gamble doing this because people equate piracy with doing damage to the show. But downvote away fellow Human Beings. Since you're asking for season 3, and the DVD is not out yet, I support what you're looking for. If you don't buy season 3 when it comes out, then I'm kind of annoyed with you, but that's on you. Eztv.it is a good place to torrent Community episodes within a few hours after they air, but because the show is popular, the first episode of the season should still have a decent number of seeders. Oh, and much like international fans of Community, I have no other option to watch the show.

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I literally cannot pick up NBC in this town. I'm too far from the largest affiliate to pick it up with an antenna, and I learned that the day Remedial Chaos Theory came out because I bought a damn antenna and can only get CBS and the CW. So I torrent and then buy the DVDs when they come out to show my support. Why spend $50/month on cable to watch a half dozen of my favorite shows when it's so much cheaper to torrent and buy the DVD later. Plus, I'm not a Nielsen viewer, so my watching the show when it airs including advertisements would have no effect anyway, whereas buying the DVD set does.

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No, the original post did not mention location but that shouldn't mean that it is automatically assumed that the poster is in the USA. Both hulu.com and NBC.com only allows users within the USA to stream programs. Thus a sarcastic remark advising the poster to go to those sites might not be an appropriate remark to make. No one here is really promoting piracy - on the basis that in relation to this specific scenario - the OP stated that he was only interesting in finding a torrent so he could see the rest of the series having seen and bought the Season 1 dvd. If anything, 'pirating' series 2 and 3 of the show is beneficial to Community - increasing their viewership overseas. It's not a very big show in the UK, it's not on british TV - and only season 1 is available to buy on DVD over here. Seeing as there is no legal means for viewers outside of the USA to see the show - what other option do they have?