Jun 15, 2014  need model pack? You come to right place link::::: www.fpsc-game.weebly.com fake?not fake just go to model packs page you well see all or watch video just trust me is not fake song:fire away fire. Mar 25, 2010 - Hi, Im trying to import some gun animations from FPS creator into Unity 3d. I have.x files which im told i need to convert to.fdx - but cant seem.

Also what about all the stuff one has bought from people, plus all the freebies, dont these work anymore? Whats the point of fpsc if you cant use all the media, thats why you use it. Because if that dont work, you can download better engines than dx9 by a wide, wide margin for free, dx10, I havnt tested, so that version I dont know yet, thats the seller to me, the media packs, I love the packs they sell, plus the ones the community does. The packs are the seller, if fpsc dx9 came with no characters, no guns and no segments, TGC would be looking for jobs now as they wouldnt of sold fpsc without them, same goes for dx10.

If these dont work you havnt got a product. Quote: 'Also what about all the stuff one has bought from people, plus all the freebies, dont these work anymore? Whats the point of fpsc if you cant use all the media, thats why you use it. Because if that dont work, you can download better engines than dx9 by a wide, wide margin for free, dx10, I havnt tested, so that version I dont know yet, thats the seller to me, the media packs, I love the packs they sell, plus the ones the community does.

The packs are the seller, if fpsc dx9 came with no characters, no guns and no segments, TGC would be looking for jobs now as they wouldnt of sold fpsc without them, same goes for dx10. If these dont work you havnt got a product.' Dude, shut up while you still have any respect from people on the boards.

First off, FPSC DIDN'T have all those Model Packs when we first had the opportunity to get it. It took FORUM USERS like Disturbing13, Jon Fletcher, Bond1, and others in order to get quality models that we were willing to pay for to put into the game. You wanna start complaining to somebody, you complain to the modelers, and ten to one you're going to get noob-slapped again because of it. Second, Microsoft has said itself that the DirectX 10 is a completely different standard than DirectX 9. Naturally, you can't expect the Model Packs to work instantaneously with a DX version that it's not written for.

Think of it like an MMO; yeah, you might want those expansion packs, but if they don't fit the format of the base game, what's the purpose of even having them? At least the MPs we have now ARE usable on V1, and TGC has said as late as six months ago that getting the current MPs to work on the X10 version is one of their priorities. You then go off on how there are a bunch of engines out there better than V1. Okay, I can understand your logic on that one.so what the Samuel L. Jackson are you even still doing here if you don't want to use it?! Not everyone is a scripting or modeling genius like you apparently seem to be, so these programs are fine for us because we can get products developed that much quicker. I've got a challenge for you--since you seem to be SO concerned about the MPs and the content for X10, how about YOU develop some models for the program?


That's right, I dare you to try this--come up with two models, JUST TWO MODELS, that even come close to rivaling the work of the artists I mentioned above AND that work in X10. Because by insulting V1, you are in essence insulting anyone who's ever contributed to the program, and that would mean the people you claim to respect.

Oh, and to Squelchy Tom, who suggested the upgrading of X10, maybe you need to read the latest newsletter; Lee's got his hands full right now trying to make it to where people who don't speak English can use the program right along with the rest of us and trying to get the software Microsoft-certified. Asking him to upgrade the contents of a program HE JUST RELEASED just so you can use your precious DX9 MPs is about as crazy as asking Apple to upgrade their newest line of iPhones days after their release because you can't download your favorite ringtones from your old phone to your new one. It's inconsiderate, for one, and for two, it's basically saying that TGC didn't do their job right in the first place. Koran Quote: 'Lee's got his hands full right now trying to make it to where people who don't speak English can use the program right along with the rest of us and trying to get the software Microsoft-certified. Asking him to upgrade the contents of a program HE JUST RELEASED just so you can use your precious DX9 MPs is about as crazy as asking Apple to upgrade their newest line of iPhones days after their release because you can't download your favorite ringtones from your old phone to your new one.