RichEdit control not displaying images. Setup, and Windows programming using MFC and ATL. Rich edit control class used is 'RICHEDIT50W'. The new home for Visual Studio documentation is Visual Studio 2017 Documentation on The latest version of this topic can be found at CRichEditView Class. With CRichEditDoc and CRichEditCntrItem, provides the functionality of the rich edit control within the context of MFC's document view architecture.

Hi all, I'm trying to insert images into a rich edit control in the same way as the emoticons in MSN messenger. For some reason I'm not able to copy and paste images into the control (I tried it manually), and setting the RTF text to embed the image doesn't work either (I tried inserting the RTF output from wordpad from a doc that had an image in it, but nothing appeared).

I'm also not after any sort of solution where the application has to manually draw the images by handling the WM_ERASEBKGRND or WM_PAINT messages. Specifically, I need a solution that will insert a HBITMAP from the.rc application resource into the rich edit. I'm using the 'RichEdit20A' window class from 'riched20.dll' on Windows2000. This would seem to be the closest solution to what I'm looking for so far: the only problem is that the application I'm working on is not using the MFC library (more fool me eh!). So any solution must NOT use MFC! I'm assigning fairly generous points to this one since the problem is so specific.

They will only be awarded if someone is able to stick to these restrictions or suggest a reasonable work around (without having to purchase third party software). Many thanks in advance:) Kind regards Andy.

I've created a Rich Edit control (1.0) from MFC as below m_hRichEditWnd =::CreateWindow(_T('RichEdit'), csWindowName, ES_MULTILINE ES_READONLY, 0, 0, 200, 200, NULL, 0, 0, 0); I've read text into that control from a file. The file is a multipage.txt document with ascii control characters for page breaks. When I print from the Rich Edit control, I do not get the page breaks. They are printed out as characters. Is there any way to get those page breaks? I'm printing out from the control using methods similar to those described here Thanks!

So something I left out was that I wasn't actually printing out to a physical printer but to file. file was then getting converted by ghost script to a pdf which did not register the page breaks. I believe this is due to the fact that the edit control does not actually SHOW page breaks inside it - and the way the print command works is almost like a graphic blit to a print device.

The page break isn't 'on screen' so it doesn't make it to file. That's a theory. The only solution I found was to parse the information going into the CRichEditControl for form feed characters. The knack discography torrent 2017.

Load up all characters up to the form feed character, print that to the file, then use the EndPage() function to manually force the form feed. Continue on in that way until there are not more form feed characters. Then make sure you print out any remaining characters after the last form feed.